The Let's Explore Geology Bundle includes both the eBook and the premium Calendar Connections Cards.
The eBook contains full sized pages, specially formatted to be read in eBook format. We use ours on our iPad, you can read a blog post here about using these eBooks on your iPad or other digital device. The eBook version is ONLY available here in the bundle option.
After you purchase, you will recieve a link to a Zip file containing one PDF featuring the Calendar Connections Cards and another PDF featuring the eBook.
The Calendar Connections Cards included in this bundle are the premium design, featuring the ability to print front to back.
The Calendar Connections Cards are written at a 3rd-6th grade level, and are specifically designed for Christian homeschoolers. For those of you who are in a secular schooling environment, please note that the last card, #31, is a Bible verse.
Let's Explore Geology
Calendar Connections Supplies...
On the blog...
Read more about this set here!